Saturday, October 22, 2011

Last night!

I am currently drunk writing this entry so I am thinking it will probably need some editing later I am sitting in roommate's grandparents super nice house drunk as fuck off of roommate's dads wine last night I apparently went so fucking crazy that a kid named Jeremy who left the party and went to the bar where my sister works told her that he left the party do to the fact that I was throwing bricks at everyone at the party I don't really see why this is a reason to leave but then again I was doing the throwing while blackout drunk I apparently beat the living shit out of roommate with a log and he got a minor consumption ticket someone stole my wallet but you win some and you lose some I just wish I had that ten fucking bucks so I could get drunker than i am currently I apparently ripped a no parking sign out of the ground and was beating roommate with it in the face (lol) anyways I am to drunk to finish this but later when the power is back on at my apartment I will be sure too.

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