I suppose I should start by introducing myself, I am the one that is and shall be known as Editor, and surprise surprise my job is to edit the posts on this blog and make sure that they are readable by you, the reader. A boring job, I know, but fuck you it's important.
Jimmy and I know each other from high school, but didn't really start hanging out until about six years ago. Since then I have had some of the wildest experiences of my life. The fact is that neither of us seems to get into the kind of shit that the two of us get into, like I'm some kind of dynamo for the crazy magnet that is Jimmy Mozart. We have also been known to wing-man each other, and pull each others asses out of the fire if things get too crazy. The role that people seem to think I play is that of Jimmy's leash holder, asking me to calm him down after they pour drinks down his throat, to which I usually respond, “He's not my responsibility, he's a grown ass man.”
The mathematician is a little harder to describe, the best way that I could do it is to say that he is like if Hunter S. Thompson hate fucked a baby into Stephen Hawking. The reason I say this is that while he is the single most intelligent man I have ever met, he also loves drugs more than anyone else I know. Also I'm pretty sure he's part robot. Other than that he is also one of the weirdest characters I have ever met, being able to seamlessly go from having a scientific/philosophical conversation to asking you what you would do if Forest Whitaker tried to rape with an AIDS dick. Another fun fact is that he has pretty much introduced me to all of the drugs that I have tried and still love to this day.
Roommate will also be there, but when I see him I'd like to hear him bitch about me not doing an entry about him, so fuck him.
As far as how I think this weekend is going to go, I think I can sum it up by simply saying; things are going to get out of hand. First off you have Jimmy, who is like a Frankenstein monster stitched together with equal parts “I don't give a fuck,” “fuck you,” and “I'll kick your fucking ass” when he's drunk. Secondly you have Hunter S. Hawking who seems to have no greater joy in life than trying to getting people to shove as much drugs and/or alcohol into themselves as possible, and finally me, who has always been a devil's advocate when intoxicated. Hopefully no one will be arrested, because dumb shit is going to go on. Other than that I can't really say because I have learned by now to never actually expect anything, it just gets you into trouble.
Well, that's it for now. I'll be posting later about what actually happened, but until then I'm heading back behind the scenes.
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