Thursday, October 27, 2011

The coming weekend

So this is another update from your intrepid hero Jimmy- a few days ago I had my eviction hearing at the local courthouse that I now know so well I might as well live there I show up at 8:45 (I haven’t been up that early since it became a time) and I am sitting outside the courtroom waiting for my lawyer (provided by the local legal aid office) to show up. When in walk three cops who say they have been subpoenaed by my landlord and then every single person in my apartment complex (which amounts to about 10 people) shows up and they have also been subpoenaed. I walk into the courtroom and the judge asks my landlord for the paper he served my eviction notice with which my incompetent fuck of a landlord (I swear to god this man’s brain is nothing more than poorly diluted kool-aid) presents to the judge who within twenty seconds says that my landlord who was once a lawyer disbarred for money laundering (which immediately makes me think of two things one what a fucking thug right? And two is a daydream of Don King going “only in America!”) Should know the law and that he is dismissing the case because the eviction notice was written up improperly. I can barely hide my smirk as I thank the judge for his time. Before the door to the courtroom has even closed behind me I yell out well you can all go home where I will be joining you and I laugh my way out of the courthouse while my father who came with me in a none to kind manner exclaims that they are all jobless fucking losers. Roommate who also attended the proceedings (though he does not actually technically live with me) and I then drive to a local second hand store that employs many handicapped I.E. Fucking retarded and funny people. While Roommate and I look at their selection of shitty golf clubs (we occasionally go out to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls while everyone stares at us for golfing in sweat pants and tie dye shirts) one of the retards that I actually have some history with ( My friend RedandBlack and I used to harass him daily by yelling at him because he would wear a yellow trench coat and we would exclaim that he was Dick Tracy until one day he ran up on us and told us he was a doctor, and when we inquired as to what he specialized in he told us that he was a doctor of science which is what I still refer to him as to this day) comes up to us and we have the following exchange: Doctorofscience “Do you golf?” Roommate and I “Yes we do” DS”I love golfing” Us “So do we “DS “Do you know what I wish?” Us “what is that?’ DS”that Someone would invent a 3d Golfing game for the Xbox” Me “Well I think that already exists for the Wii” DS “Yeah I haven’t played a video game since 1990” Me”Ooookay” DS”You guys are the intelligence of my mind”. Which Roommate and I inferred was a rather backwards way of the good doctor acknowledging that he was retarded and we were a non-retarded version of himself I am thinking to him we were AOL online version 2.0 with 200 free hours. This would usually illicit a response of much ardent humor but in this case we both found it to be incredibly depressing that the doctor was aware of his “condition”. And that was about all that occurred on that day and concludes part one of this update.
Part two the coming weekend

Roommate and I are meeting up with our friends TheEditor and TheMathematician and we are going to do copious amounts of drugs ( I do not really partake so I will just be drinking) with the intent of seeing where this weekend takes us . I for one hope it is not jail but I will not hold my breath because I would probably pass the fuck out. Some quick background on said friends TheEditor is a friend of mine from high school but we didn’t really get close until I found out we mutually loved Anime Cons of all things (that is a completely different and for later story) but we became very good friends quickly. TheMathematician who is more a friend of TheEditor but I have always liked him and sold him prescription drugs from time to time which apparently you can build a friendship doing he is a really intelligent and fun guy but I totally secretly loathe him due to his ability to just randomly decide to do something and then in three months be idiot savant level of good at it. Edit:-Roommate who almost cried when he proofread this and he was not given a back story asked that I include his He is a friend I have known for I while (I use to piss on his clothes at Anime Cons still a different story for later) who is my technical Roommate I will explain that at some point to but we are the very best of friends and oft mistaken for a gay couple because we refer to ourselves as we. Anyways I will post on Sunday and not only outline the weekend but tell you how it turns out (if I am not seriously in jail).

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